Lian Tijsen

67 Rehabilitants and informal caregivers’ perspectives of a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment Theme 2.3: Organizational aspects Participants see a high workload for the professionals and feel that, because of cutbacks in funding, they are mainly working towards a short length of stay. They are afraid of negative consequences for their rehabilitation, although they are in favor of efficiently organized rehabilitation to achieve optimal results. Theme 2.4: Return home Although home visits during the rehabilitation can be confronting, participants find them useful. As an informal caregiver related about home visits, Because then he could anticipate what it was of course. But it [home visit] was very painful for him, he found it terribly painful. All participants are aware that rehabilitation continues after discharge. Therefore, a good and timely transfer between settings is necessary. Participants are not sure whether rehabilitation at home or on a ward is better at the start of the rehabilitation process. Some participants think the length of stay is too short. One informal caregiver said about a longer stay, Well, I thought it would have been better. That he would feel safer. Yes, that’s what I think. That this is just too short. And others want to keep their time on the ward as short as possible, like a rehabilitant with multiple fractures, Yes, the time I am here.... I want to keep it as short as possible. Yes, I do. Discussion In this article for the first time the perspectives of rehabilitants and informal caregivers regarding a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment are described. Themes identified can be divided into factors concerning the rehabilitation process and factors concerning organizational processes. Regarding the rehabilitation process, we found nine themes: 1) rehabilitant, 2) rehabilitant centered, 3) informal 3