Lian Tijsen

77 Rehabilitants and informal caregivers’ perspectives of a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment Supplemental table 1 COREQ (COnsolidated criteria for REporting Qualitative research) Checklist (continued) Topic Item No. Guide Questions/Description Reported in chapter Transcripts returned 23 Were transcripts returned to participants for comment and/or correction? Data collection Domain 3: analysis and findings Data analysis Number of data coders 24 How many data coders coded the data? Data analysis Description of the coding tree 25 Did authors provide a description of the coding tree? Data analysis Derivation of themes 26 Were themes identified in advance or derived from the data? Data analysis Software 27 What software, if applicable, was used to manage the data? Data analysis Participant checking 28 Did participants provide feedback on the findings? Data collection Reporting Quotations presented 29 Were participant quotations presented to illustrate the themes/ findings? Was each quotation identified? e.g. participant number Results Data and findings consistent 30 Was there consistency between the data presented and the findings? Results Clarity of major themes 31 Were major themes clearly presented in the findings? Results Clarity of minor themes 32 Is there a description of diverse cases or discussion of minor themes? Results 3