Lian Tijsen

84 Chapter 4 We aimed for data saturation, and after each focus group, the authors discussed whether any new topics had emerged. Inclusion stopped when all disciplines were represented in focus groups and no new topics emerged. Additionally, the study group was asked to organize four workshops concerning the theme CRE during two Dutch national congresses in the field of rehabilitation. This opportunity was used to ask the participants of these congresses to provide input on topics relevant to CRE. Visitors of these congresses were able to register for these workshops, and they were informed that their input was used for the conceptualization of CRE. Participation in the workshops was voluntary, and no personal information was collected. Focus Groups The aim of the focus groups was to clarify the perspectives of the participants regarding CRE. The groups were chaired by E.D. or B.B., and L.T. took field notes during the group interviews. E.D. and B.B. are both female senior nursing researchers in the field of rehabilitation. Both are experienced in qualitative research and chairing discussion groups. Physical therapist L.T. is a female PhD student with formal training in interview techniques and qualitative research and has 10 years of experience in geriatric rehabilitation. In preparation for these groups, L.T. developed a topic list (Appendix) based on an earlier literature review on CRE.11 This topic list was piloted with a group of researchers. The content of the topic list was determined in an iterative process and adapted based on the previous pilot and focus groups. The focus groups for Dutch experts were held in a meeting center centrally located in the Netherlands. The international expert group was held at the congress location of EuGMS 2019, Krakow. The focus groups for the other professionals were conducted at meeting centers and rehabilitation wards spread across the Netherlands. All focus groups took place in meeting rooms, and only the participants and researchers were present. Each focus group began with a brief introduction to the study and the topic of the focus groups, followed by the introduction of the individual participants. The