Lian Tijsen

87 Professionals’ perspectives of a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment Table 1. Characteristics of participants. Expert Groups (n = 4, participants = 23) Nationality Netherlands 17 Greece 1 Germany 2 Australia 2 Poland 1 Occupation * Elderly care physician 5 Rehabilitation physician 4 Physical therapist 11 Lecturer 2 Researcher 11 Manager 8 Nurse (practitioner) 2 Focus Group (para) medical (n = 3, participants = 24) Occupation Elderly care physician 3 Occupational therapist 5 Nurse practitioner 3 Physical therapist 8 Psychologist 1 Speech and language therapist 3 Head of nursing staff 1 Focus Group Nursing Staff (n = 3, participants = 28) Occupation Nurse 22 Nurse assistant 4 Nurse aid 2 Workshops (n = 4, participants = 180 healthcare professionals, e.g., physical therapist, occupational therapist, elderly care physician, nurse) * Participants indicated combinations of occupations. Themes Eleven main themes with associated sub-themes emerged from the data. The main themes can be divided into two categories, namely themes involving rehabilitation processes and themes involving organizational aspects. The subdivision of the themes within the two categories is described in Tables 2 and 3. The two categories are described in the following paragraphs. 4