Lian Tijsen

92 Chapter 4 Table 2. Themes involving rehabilitation processes. (continued) Main theme Brief description Sub-theme Description Involving client system Good communication is necessary to involve informal caregivers in the rehabilitation process. They can help in the rehabilitation process, but they should be prevented for overburdening. Informal caregiver participation The informal caregivers and their abilities and perceived burden partly determine whether a rehabilitant can go home. They can provide information about the rehabilitant’s previous level of functioning and the goals for the rehabilitation. Although informal caregivers can be seen as fellow practitioners, who motivate and help during the rehabilitation process, staff must prevent overburdening them. Attention must also be paid to bereavement and the informal caregiver’s need for information. Participants would like to see informal caregivers perform tasks in supporting the rehabilitant during rehabilitation similar to what they will be doing at home. Communication Communication is a key aspect in involving informal caregivers. Rehabilitants and informal caregivers need to be informed about the principles of a CRE so that they know how important it is to practice during daily activities and which extra exercises they can perform during the rehabilitation process. This information must be presented in a way suitable for the rehabilitant and informal caregiver. It is also important to give information about the disease for which they are undergoing rehabilitation and about the new skills they must learn. Nutrition Nutritional status partly determines the rehabilitation capability, therefore a balanced diet is necessary. A rehabilitant’s nutritional status partly determines their rehabilitation capability. Rehabilitants are not always aware of this relationship and do not consume enough protein-rich foods. It is important to realize a balanced diet with products that are as common as possible, so rehabilitants will be able to continue the diet at home. Pleasant mealtimes stimulate good intake, and joint meals are therefore seen as standard. It is important to pay attention to the energy levels of a rehabilitant. Intake or swallowing can be negatively affected if a rehabilitant is too tired.