Lian Tijsen

93 Professionals’ perspectives of a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment Table 2. Themes involving rehabilitation processes. (continued) Main theme Brief description Sub-theme Description Technology Technology develops very fast and contributes to safe and challenging rehabilitation. Domotics Domotics, e.g., systems to automatically measure body functions or fall signaling, can help to offer security, privacy, and night rest to rehabilitants and can also be time-saving for professionals. An important condition is that privacy is guaranteed and that the security of the system can also be guaranteed at home. eHealth Although the use of eHealth is currently limited, it can be useful in the future as a supplement to exercising, monitoring, safety, and feedback options. Nowadays, many applications are not yet suitable for the target group or are not always applicable during functional activities. In addition, eHealth is developing very fast, making it difficult for healthcare professionals to keep abreast of all possibilities. 4