Lian Tijsen

96 Chapter 4 Table 3. Themes involving organizational aspects. (continued) Main theme Brief description Sub-theme Description Organizational aspects Implementing a CRE requires a shared vision on rehabilitation, and a project group to supervise the process. Even though internationally the organizational aspects differ, the concept of CRE is suitable to get the most out of rehabilitation. Vision It is important that all professionals (including management) have a shared vision on geriatric rehabilitation and make informed decisions. Administration Participants experience that too much time is spent on administrative tasks, partly due to incompatible systems and regulations—time that could be spent on the rehabilitants and their rehabilitation. Regulations and funding Participants feel that the rehabilitation system is driven by the way it is funded, which differs internationally. Optimal rehabilitation cannot always be offered due to insufficient reimbursement. Unfavorable decisions are sometimes unavoidable within the therapies. Participants experience a negative effect of regulations regarding privacy and liability in the rehabilitation process. Safety Participants think rehabilitants and informal caregivers need to be safe to practice. The approach of the professionals and the design of the building may affect this safety positively or negatively. Despite some international differences, participants agree that pushing the boundaries, taking calculated fall risk, and using technical innovations to prevent risks will improve rehabilitation.