58 Chapter 3 ‡Patient education: Patient can be educated through handout/leaflets and waiting room posters on the limited effect of antibiotics for a viral infection §Mass media campaign: Mass media campaign providing information on the appropriate use of antibiotic and reduces antibiotic prescriptions |Delayed antibiotic prescription is prescribed directly at a consult but the patient is advised to use the antibiotic only when the symptoms persist or become more severe. It reduces antibiotic use by patients while maintaining patient satisfaction ¶Feedback: Feedback on antibiotic prescribing provides insight in the number of antibiotic prescriptions by a physician and the impact on antibiotic resistance which stimulates a physician to reflect on his own antibiotic prescription habits #CST: Communication Skills training helps a physician to explain the limited effect of antibiotics to a patient and is effective in reducing antibiotic prescriptions **Physician education: education of physicians about guidelines for infectious diseases, the limited effect of antibiotics for viral infections and which diagnostic tools can help to differ between a self-limiting infection and a more severe infectious diseases, such as a CRP POCT