145 Real-time intestinal perfusion assessment for anastomotic site selection using LSCI Figure 3. The results from the survey filled in by five surgeons represented in percentages in a Likert profile graph. The answers ranged from strongly disagree/bad to strongly agree/good. The questions were (1) The PerfusiX-Imaging perfusion information reflected the expected pattern of blood flow? (2) How was the display quality of PerfusiX-Imaging on displaying the blood flow? (3) PerfusiX-Imaging was easy to use during surgery? (4) How easy was it to setup PerfusiX-Imaging? (5) Was there latency during the perfusion imaging? (6) PerfusiX-Imaging was able to visualize tissue perfusion intraoperatively? And (7) I was able to identify the intestinal watershed area using PerfusiX-Imaging. 7