160 Chapter 8 Figure 2. Progression of ischemia over time in both white light images (left), and Laser Speckle Contrast images (right). The Viridis colour scheme was used in the visualization of Laser Speckle Perfusion Units (LSPUs). The scale bar on the left of the colourmap indicates the low flow (blue) to high flow (yellow) gradient. A) T-1 images show the intestinal loop prior to any vascular manipulation (baseline). ROIs are placed, based on the selection location at the T0 measurement (image 2B), since no ischemic and watershed areas could yet be identified. B) Recording immediately after ligation (T0) and selection of Regions of Interest (ROI): Well = well-perfused tissue (yellow); WS = watershed areas (red and green), Isch = ischemic tissue (blue). Locations were marked with a surgical marker for reference. C) White light and LSCI recording 60 minutes after ischemic onset (T60). The blue dots in the white light image are the ROI markings from T0. D) 120 Minutes after ischemic onset (T120).