Danique Heuvelings

17 General introduction serve as a prediction tool to estimate the risk of distant peritoneal spread. Chapter 12 is an explorative study in which primary colorectal tumor samples are analyzed to identify specific DNA and/or RNA that may predict metachronous PM after curative resection. As intraperitoneal administration of cytostatic loaded hydrogels is a promising preventive strategy for patients who have a high risk of developing metachronous PM, we evaluate the safety of a certain intervention in Chapter 13. This evaluation describes the effect of an intraperitoneal mitomycin-loaded hydrogel on anastomotic healing in a rodent model, based AL scores, adhesion scores and microscopic evaluation. PART V: Summary, discussion and impact This thesis is completed by a summary, general discussion and additional future perspectives in Chapter 14. Chapter 15 provides an impact paragraph, followed by the Dutch summary of this thesis in Chapter 16. 1