Danique Heuvelings

257 DNA and RNA alterations associated with colorectal peritoneal metastases: A systematic review Table 3. Continued Reference Level of Testing Name Genes, Molecules or Panel Investigated Type of Analysis Performed Gene or Molecule Name and Mutation or Expression Status (n) No. of Patients with PM (N) and Outcomes (n) No. of Patients without PM (N) and Outcomes (n) MMR Status (MSI/MSS) Findings as Reported by Authors in Studies Yokota et al. 40 DNA KRAS and BRAF PCR N = 54 N = 175 N/A 60.0% of CRCs with BRAF mutation develops PM compared with 15% of CRCs with other subtypes (p = 0.0062 b,d). KRAS/BRAF wildtype (135) 30 105 KRASG12X mutant (53) 11 42 KRASG13X mutant (26) 4 22 BRAFV600E mutant (15) 9 6 Zihui Yong et al. 51 DNA KRAS PCR N = 89 N = 266 N/A After stratification, PM was associated with mutant KRAS tumors (26.6% vs. 15.1%, p = 0.02 d). KRAS mutant (126) 37 89 11