Linda Joosten

141 CLINICAL CONSEQUENCES OF OFF-LABEL REDUCED DOSING OF NOACS IN AF FIGURE 1: FLOWCHART WITH THE RESULTS OF THE SYSTEMATIC SEARCH. AF: atrial fibrillation. Study and patient characteristics of all included studies The 19 included original observational studies, involving 170,394 NOAC users, showed data from October 2010 to December 2017. The majority of the studies were carried out in Asian countries (most notable in Japan (n=8) and Korea (n=4)) and in the USA (n=4) and showed data on rivaroxaban (n=7), apixaban (n=7), dabigatran (n=4), and edoxaban (n=1). Duration of follow-up ranged from a median of 4.0 months to a median of 39.3 months. 8