155 CLINICAL CONSEQUENCES OF OFF-LABEL REDUCED DOSING OF NOACS IN AF Outcome 1. Assessment of outcome A. i ndependent blind assessment * B. r ecord linkage * C. self-report D. no description 2. Was follow-up long enough for outcomes to occur A. y es (i.e. >90 days) * B. no C. n o follow-up period was reported 3. Adequacy of follow-up of cohorts A. c omplete follow-up – all subjects accounted for * B. s ubjects lost to follow-up unlikely to introduce bias – small number lost - >90% follow-up, or description provided of those lost * C. f ollow-up rate <90% and no description of those lost D. no statement Missing data 1. Handling missing data A. m ultiple imputation * B. n o multiple imputation C. not reported A study can be awarded a maximum of one star (i.e. *) for each numbered item within the Selection, Outcome and Missing data categories. A maximum of two stars can be given for Comparability. 8