Aniek Wols

100 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Wijnhoven et al. 2020 The Netherlands Children with an autism spectrum disorder and (sub) clinical levels of anxiety symptoms 122*d 77.1 11.10 (2.07) 8-16 years 1. MindLight (applied game) + TAU. 2. Triple Town (casual game) + TAU. Both conditions: Game sessions of one hour per week, for 6 weeks. Children received TAU parallel with MindLight or Triple Town. TAU did not focus on anxiety symptoms and therapists were instructed to not focus on anxiety symptoms in TAU. Pre, post, and 3-months FU. Anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, problematic social functioning, internalising and externalising behaviour problems, anxiety disorders, treatment adherence; gender, age, type of TAU, intervention location, treatment expectancies, total IQ, ethnicity and parental marital status (moderators). The course of child- and parent-rated anxiety symptoms and anxiety remission rates showed that anxiety in both conditions decreased to anxiety symptoms beneath (or equal to) the subclinical level at 3-months FU. The decrease in parent-rated anxiety symptoms was significantly larger in the experimental condition. Wols et al. 2018 The Netherlands Children with elevated levels of anxiety 43** 46.5 9.94 (1.14) 8-12 years 1. MindLight. 1. Six one-hour gameplay sessions, one per week. Pre, post, and 3-months FU. Anxiety symptoms, ingame play behaviours. Changes in in-game play behaviours representing therapeutic exposure techniques predicted improvements in anxiety symptoms 3 months later (when children had not played the game for 3 months). Notes. Intervention arms and variables measured in bold are included in the forest plot. All studies used a regular randomised controlled trial (RCT) design. CBT = cognitive behavioural therapy; FU = follow-up; NA = not available and/or could not be obtained; TAU = treatment as usual. * Gender and mean age are reported for included/analysed participants (and not for the total randomised participants), with a n=24, b n=37, c n=117 eligible participants, d n=109. ** Randomisation not applicable as the study used participants from one trial arm of a previous study. Number of participants, gender and mean age refer to the included participants in the current study.