104 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Poppelaars et al. 2016*** The Netherlands Adolescents with elevated depressive symptoms 208 0.0 13.35 (0.71) 11-16 years 1. SPARX (applied game). 2. Op Volle Kracht (OVK; active condition). 3. SPARX + OVK. 4. Monitoring condition (passive condition). 1. Seven levels, 20-40 min. p/level, one level p/week. 2. Eight one-hour lessons in groups of 10-15 girls, one per week. 3. SPARX gameplay combined with 8 sessions of OVK. 4. Weekly depression questionnaires during the intervention period. Par-ticipants could participate in the intervention of their choice after the final FU assessment. Pre, weekly during intervention period, post, 3, 6 and 12months FU. Depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, evaluation and satisfaction with the program(s). Depressive symptoms decreased significantly in all conditions, with no difference in depressive symptoms between conditions. Stasiak et al. 2014 New Zealand Depressed adolescents who had referred themselves for help with low mood to school counsellors 34 58.8 15.2 (1.50) 13-18 years 1. The Journey (applied game). 2. Control attention placebo program with psychoeducational content (computerised psychoeducation; CPE; active condition). Both conditions: Seven 25-30 minutes modules, accompanied by a paper guidebook. Participants were asked to complete the program one module at a time in 4 to 10 weeks. Pre, post, and 1-month FU. Depressive symptoms, quality of life, coping strategies; age and gender (moderators), completion rates and satisfaction ratings, treatment blinding. Adolescents treated with the cCBT version of The Journey showed greater observer-rated depressive symptoms improvement than those in the control attention placebo group. Improvements were maintained at 1-months FU. Self-reported depressive symptoms reduced from baseline to post in both groups, but the difference did not reach statistical significance. Notes. Intervention arms and variables measured in bold are included in the forest plot. All studies used a regular randomised controlled trial (RCT) design, unless otherwise stated. (c)CBT = (computerised) cognitive behavioural therapy; FU = follow-up; NA = not available and/or could not be obtained; TAU = treatment as usual. * Gender and mean age are reported for included/analysed participants (and not for the total randomised participants), with a n=32. ** Journey is a casual (commercial) game but was categorised as applied game for the purpose of this review as the game includes hypothesised mechanisms that could reduce depressive symptoms. *** Cluster RCT. **** Cluster & crossover RCT ***** Due to a round-off difference the mean age slightly differs from the 2016 paper.