Aniek Wols

118 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Kassam-Adams et al. 2016 USA Children admitted to the hospital for treatment of an acute medical event that occurred within the past 2 weeks which the child perceived as potentially traumatic 72 54.2 9.80 (1.39) 8-12 years 1. Coping Coach intervention. 2. Waitlist group. 1. Three levels/ modules (approximately 20 minutes each). Participants were encouraged to complete the activities over a period of one month, and to replay the game as many times as they wished. 2. Participants in the waitlist group received the intervention after the 12-week FU. Pre, post, 12- and 18weeks FU. PTSS, health-related quality of life, post-traumatic cognitions, coping strategies (subscale: positive cognitive restructuring, support seeking, avoidance coping); risk for persistent PTSS, age, gender, ethnicity, low family income, prior trauma exposure (moderators); compliance, help-seeking and services used after the index medical event. Coping Coach participants showed decreases in PTSS severity from baseline to 6 weeks and baseline to 12 weeks, while the waitlist group was stable from baseline to 6 weeks and showed a slight increase from baseline to 12 weeks. A small intervention effect was found when waitlist participants initiated the intervention after 12 weeks. Kjeldgaard Pedersen et al. 2023*** Denmark Children recruited in an orthopaedic outpatient clinic 74*k 54.2 10.20 (NA) 6-14 years 1. VR game 2. VR video 3. 2D video 4. Control group; small talk with the investigators All interventions lasted 4 minutes. Participants went through all 4 interventions in randomised sequence. Pre and post each intervention session. Pressure pain threshold, heart rate, anxiety, level of pain, demographic gaming behaviour and experiences. The VR game and VR video groups showed increased pain threshold and decreased anxiety levels. 2D video had a small significant effect on pain threshold bud did not relief anxiety. The control group did not show a significant effect on outcome measures.