122 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Osmanlliu et al. 2021 Canada Children requiring an intravenous procedure (IV insertion or veni-puncture) 63*g 38.7 11.70 (2.99) 7-17 years 1. Standard care + virtual reality game Dreamland (game distraction). 2. Standard care, including parental presence, topical anaesthetic and distraction by parent or healthcare provider (standard care). 1. Three minutes familiarisation period prior to the IV procedure + during the procedure itself. Pre, during, post procedure, and 24h after procedure (pain memory only) Pain intensity, anxiety, procedural distress, memory of pain; recruitment feasibility, acceptability/satisfaction survey; adverse events/ side effects, completion of VR game. No significant difference in pain score during the procedure, but recall of pain 24h after the procedure was lower in the virtual reality group. Anxiety and distress during the procedure were lower in the virtual reality group. Pande et al. 2020 India Children with negative behaviour, requiring restoration of carious teeth 60 50.0 NA 5-8 years 1. Tell-Show-Do technique (TSD; standard care). 2. Audio distraction. 3. Audiovisual distraction (cartoon) in VR. 4. Mobile phone game distraction (game distraction). 1. One session, prior to dental treatment. 2. Listening to their favourite story or music during dental treatment. 3. Watching their favourite cartoon using VR glasses during dental treatment. 4. Playing their favourite mobile game during dental treatment. Pre and post procedure. Anxiety, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate. Significant decreases in both physiological and non-physiological measures were observed in all groups. Compared to TSD, all groups showed a stronger reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate and anxiety. The strongest decreases were found in the audiovisual distraction (VR) group, followed by mobile phone game distraction and audio distraction.