130 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Hunter et al. 2019 USA Undergraduate psychology students 140 22.9 20.28 (2.68) 18-26 years 1. Heartrate variability biofeedback game Breather (applied game). 2. Condition in which phone was present but not used (active condition). 3. Condition without phone (passive condition). 1-3. Participants underwent a laboratory stressor and were randomly assigned to recover in one of three ways during a five-minute session. Pre, post and 20 minutes after the laboratory stressor. Current stress, physiological stress (salivary alpha amylase and salivary cortisol). Participants in the heartrate variability biofeedback game conditions had lower levels of salivary alpha amylase during recovery than participants in the other conditions. There were no differences between conditions for salivary cortisol levels or self-reported stress. Matheson et al. 2021 United Kingdom Adolescents 6576 51.6 13.47*c (0.50) 13-14 years 1. Body image playable, ‘Self-Esteem Squad’, combined with a ‘call to action’ pledge (applied game). 2. Environmental conservation playable, combined with a ‘call to action’ pledge (active condition). 3. Body image social media posts, combined with a ‘call to action’ pledge (active condition). 1-3. One-hundred fifty seconds. Pre and post intervention, and after experimental media exposure task (which followed after the intervention). State-based body satisfaction, negative affect, prosocial behavioural intent; gender, body esteem, internalisation of appearance ideals, and media literacy (moderators); intervention acceptability, manipulation check. Relative to the environmental conservation playable, both body image micro-interventions improved state body satisfaction and decreased negative affect. All three conditions elicited online prosocial behaviours in a majority of participants, although the social media posts condition was most effective. No condition buffered against the negative effects associated with viewing idealised media images.