132 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Valadez & Ferguson, 2012 USA University students 100 51.0 19.90 (3.92) 18-45 years 1. Red Dead Redemption (violent condition; casual game). 2. Red Dead Redemption (non-violent condition). 3. FIFA (nonviolent; casual game). 1-3. After a frustration task, participants played the game for either 15 or 45 minutes, resulting in 6 experimental conditions in total. Pre and post gameplay. Hostile feelings, depressive symptoms, visuospatial cognition. Results showed that neither randomised video game play nor time spent playing a video game had any effect on depression, hostility or visuospatial cognition. Notes. Intervention arms and variables measured in bold are included in the forest plot. All studies used a regular randomised controlled trial (RCT) design, unless otherwise stated. FU = follow-up; NA = not available and/or could not be obtained; PE = physical exercise. * Gender and mean age are reported for included/analysed participants (and not for the total randomised participants), with a n=140, b n=25, c n=4531 (age only), d n=129. ** Crossover RCT. *** Cluster RCT. **** Regular RCT design, but participants played in pairs.