Aniek Wols

136 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review David & Fodor, 2023 Romania Children with a self-reported maltreatment history 294 47.6 10.03 (1.28) 8-12 years 1. REThink (applied game). 2. Care as usual (passive condition). 1. Participants played one level each week, for a total of seven weeks. 2. Participants only took part in the assessment phases during the trial. Pre and post. Emotional symptoms, total level of psychological difficulties, conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer relationship problems, prosocial behaviour, emotion regulation abilities (emotional control and self-awareness), emotion regulation strategies, irrational cognitions; severity of maltreatment and security of parental attachment (moderators). Participants in the REThink group showed significantly lower levels of emotional problems, mental health difficulties, use of maladaptive emotion-regulation strategies, and irrational cognitions at post-test compared to the care as usual group. Severity of maltreatment and parent attachment moderated the effects. David & Magurean, 2022 Romania Healthy children and adolescents ****** 54*j 25.0 13.00 (2.06) 10-16 years 1. REThink. 1. Seven 50minute online modules, completed during one month. The game included an attentional bias training level based on the visual search paradigm. Pre, mid-treatment, and post. Attentional bias, emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity/ inattention, peer relationship problems, prosocial behaviour, functional negative emotions, dysfunctional negative emotions, positive emotions. Increases in attentional bias towards positive faces from the intermediary assessment to the post-test assessment were associated with improvements in participants’ conduct problems, hyperactivity, and peer relationship problems.