Aniek Wols

140 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Hammond et al. 2014** United Kingdom Children with movement difficulties and/or a Develop-mental Coordination Disorder (DCD) 20*c 77.8 8.97 (1.34) 7-10 years 1. Wii Fit intervention, choice of nine games (casual games). 2. Treatment as usual, school-run Jump Ahead intervention (active condition). 1. Ten minutes, three times a week, for four weeks. 2. One hour per week, for four weeks. Two and a half months after the end of phase 1, the groups participated in the alternative intervention for the following four weeks. Pre, post and 18weeks FU. Motor proficiency, self-perceived ability and satisfaction with motor tasks, social behaviour and emotional/behavioural problems. Significant gains were seen in motor proficiency, self-perceived ability and satisfaction with motor tasks, and emotional well-being for many, but not all children. Hsieh & Chen, 2019*** Taiwan Primary students 144 48.8*d 12.58 (1.03) r 11-13 years 1. Pokémon Go. 2. Control group not using Pokémon Go. 1. Ten weeks, on average playing 40 minutes per day. Pre and post. Emotional intelligence (factors: well-being, self-control, emotionality, sociability), memory, selective attention, concentration, creative imagination; adherence, amount of physical activity, satisfaction; age, sex, family education level, number of computers in the home, daily study time, and access to internet (confounders). Compared to the control group, the Pokémon Go group showed increases in selective attention, concentration, creative imagination, emotionality and sociability, but not in memory, well-being or self-control.