Aniek Wols

142 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Mack et al. 2020**** Germany Children 82 52.4 9.65 (3.42) 9-12 years 1. Kids Obesity Prevention program, including a serious game. 2. Brochure, control group. 1. Two 45-minutes sessions over a two-week period. 2. The brochure was handed out at the beginning of the study phase. The control group received the intervention after the intervention group completed the program. Pre, post, and 4-weeks FU. Knowledge about nutrition and stress coping (total score, food pyramid score, dietary energy density score, stress score), dietary intake, physical activity, media consumption; knowledge of dietary energy density (covariate); game acceptance, emotions during gameplay, ingame data assessing the application of the dietary energy density principle. Knowledge about nutrition and stress coping increased from pre to post, and knowledge gains were maintained at FU. Maden et al. 2022 Turkey University students with gaming disorder and a sedentary lifestyle 44 100 22.71 (1.92) 18-28 years 1. Virtual reality-based (exer-game) training in random pairs (applied game). 2. Aerobic (treadmill) training (active condition). 3. Control/ no-intervention group (passive condition). 1-2. Three 30-minutes training sessions over a period of six weeks. 3. Participants in the control group continued their habitual activities of daily living, with no intervention applied. Pre and post. Online gaming disorder severity, physical activity, daily sitting time, physical fitness, predicted maximum oxygen uptake, anxiety. Virtual reality-based training and aerobic training both reduced the severity of gaming disorder, gaming time and sedentary time and increased levels of physical activity compared to the control group. Additionally, the virtual reality-based training group showed greater improvements in physical fitness than the aerobic training group. Reduced anxiety levels were found after the virtual reality-based training and the aerobic training.