Aniek Wols

148 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Valenzuela et al. 2022*** Chile Children in socioeco-nomically vulnerable schools 5923 53.8 10.30 (0.90) 10-12 years 1. Full KiVa program group, including the online game (applied game). 2. Partial KiVa program group, without the online game (active condition). 3. Control group (passive condition). 1. Thirteen 45minute weekly lessons, with additionally five 45-minute weekly online game lessons. 2. Thirteen 45minute weekly lessons. 3. Participants followed their regular school curriculum. Pre and post. Bullying victimization, perpetration and witnessing, psychological difficulties, psychological sense of school membership/belonging, academic performance; sex and age (covariates); school grade (moderator). At post-test, the partial KiVa group had lower bullying victimization than the control group. No effect of the full KiVa group on bullying victimization compared to the control group and partial KiVa group was found. Compared to the control group, the partial KiVa group showed lower witnessing bullying. Participants in the full KiVa group had more psychological difficulties at post-test than the partial KiVa group. Walsh et al. 2019 Canada Undergra-duate students 108*g 16.3 20.02 (2.53) 18-31 years 1. Wildflowers, mindfulness training app (applied game). 2. The ‘2048’ game, cognitive training through puzzle game (casual game). 1-2. Three weeks, for at least 10 minutes per day. Pre, during (state measures only) and post. Subjective well-being (nine measures with in total 31 subscales were reduced to a three-factor solution with exploratory factor analysis: acceptance, awareness, openness), attentional control (alerting effect, orienting effect, conflict monitoring), interoceptive integration/ attention; pre- and post-session ratings of mood, stress level and heart rate (in-app state measures). Mindfulness training resulted in greater improvements in attentional control compared to cognitive training. Both groups showed increased acceptance and awareness from pre- to post intervention.