Aniek Wols

160 Chapter 2 Figure A.9 Forest plot of standardised effect sizes of studies examining verbal memory in youth with (high risk of) psychosis Fisher et al. 2015 Loewy et al. 2016 Piskulic et al. 2015 Holzer et al. 2014 Applied game vs Casual games Active condition vs Casual games Cohen's d [95% CI] 0.44 [0.01, 0.87] 0.48 [0.03, 0.92] -0.02 [-0.81, 0.76] -0.24 [-0.94, 0.46] -1.00 -0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Favours casual games Favours applied game / active condition Verbal memory Notes. Fisher et al. (2015) report a Cohen’s d of 0.69. Loewy et al. (2016) report a Cohen’s d of 0.61, with 95% CI [0.15, 1.05]. CI = confidence interval.