Aniek Wols

2 161 REVIEW OF APPLIED & CASUAL GAMES FOR MENTAL HEALTH Figure A.10 Forest plot of standardised effect sizes of studies examining externalising problems Coles et al. 2015 Schuurmans et al. 2018 Coles et al. 2015 Applied game vs Active condition Applied game vs Passive condition Cohen's d [95% CI] -0.60 [-1.64, 0.44] 0.09 [-0.57, 0.74] 0.32 [-0.67, 1.32] -1.75 -1.50 -1.25 -1.00 -0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 Favours active / passive condition Favours applied game Externalising problems Notes. CI = confidence interval.