Aniek Wols

310 Chapter 7 Gameplay duration As an indication of engagement with the game, gameplay duration was measured using the Funamo Parental Control app (Funamo Inc, 2016) on the tablets, which tracked how long Monument Valley was open for each participant. In case gameplay duration measured by Funamo was incorrect (e.g., when participants did not close Monument Valley when they continued with the questionnaire), we used the time from an invisible timer on the questionnaire page which tracked when participants continued with the questionnaire. For one participant gameplay duration could not be obtained as both methods proved incorrect. In addition, a standard maximum gameplay duration (i.e., 40.38 minutes) was given to participants who were prompted by the researcher to move on to the questionnaire due to time constraints (n = 25) and to participants who exceeded that standard duration without being stopped (n = 2). For more details see Poppelaars, Wols, et al., 2018. RESULTS Descriptive Statistics Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics for the total sample and for each experimental condition. Randomisation was successful as there were no differences between experimental conditions in age, gender, birth country, weekly video gameplay, mental health symptoms, motivation to change subscales, and emotion and stress mindset at pre-test. However, participants were more likely to choose the mental health message when it was portrayed in the detailed trailer (experimental condition 1) than when it was portrayed in the abstract trailer (experimental condition 2; for information and discussion see Poppelaars, Wols, et al., 2018). Therefore, we controlled for experimental condition in the analyses that predicted game choice and gameplay duration, and in the analyses examining the changes in emotion and stress mindsets. Overall, 77 of the 129 participants (59.7%) selected the trailer with the mental health message. No significant differences in game choice were found between females and males (χ2 (1) = 1.80, p = .18). On average, participants played Monument Valley for 28.48 minutes (SD = 8.85), with a range of 12.77 to 40.38 minutes. Table 2 presents means and standard deviations of the study variables by game choice. Participants choosing the mental health trailer and participants choosing the entertainment trailer did not differ in mental health symptoms, motivation to change subscales, emotion mindset at pre- and post-test, stress mindset at pre- and post-test, and gameplay duration.