74 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Bul et al. 2016** The Netherlands and Belgium Children with ADHD 170 80.6 9.85 (1.26) 8-12 years 1. Plan-It Commander + TAU. 2. TAU crossover group. 1. Participants received the game intervention in addition to TAU for the first 10 weeks and then received TAU for the next 10 weeks. Participants were instructed to play for a maximum of 65 minutes approx. 3 times per week. 2. Participants received TAU for the first 10 weeks and crossed over to the game intervention in addition to TAU for the subsequent 10 weeks. Pre, halfway the trial, and 10-weeks FU. Time management skills, skills in time perception and organisation (i.e., time-oriented behaviour), executive functioning (i.e., planning and organising skills, working memory), social skills (i.e., cooperation, responsibility, assertiveness, self-control), self-efficacy; satisfaction with the game. After 10 weeks, participants in group 1 compared to group 2 showed greater improvements in time management skills, responsibility and working memory. These effects were maintained or further improved in at the 10-week FU for group 1. Participants in group 2, improved on comparable domains of daily life functioning over time. In both groups, total social skills improved over time. Bul et al. 2018** The Netherlands and Belgium Children with ADHD 170 80.6 9.85 (1.26) 8-12 years 1. Plan-It Commander + TAU. 2. TAU cross- over group 1. Participants received the game intervention in addition to TAU for the first 10 weeks and then received TAU for the next 10 weeks. Participants were instructed to play for a maximum of 65 minutes approx. 3 times per week. 2. Participants received TAU for the first 10 weeks and crossed over to the game intervention in addition to TAU for the subsequent 10 weeks. Pre and halfway the trial (i.e., after 10 weeks). Time management skills, planning/organising skills, cooperation skills; gender, age, intellectual level of functioning, medication use, computer experience, ADHD subtype, severity of inattention problems, severity of hyperactivity/ impulsivity problems, comorbid ODD and CD (moderators). Girls were most likely to show greater improvements in planning/organising skills as compared to the total group of participants. Among boys, those with lower baseline levels of hyperactivity and higher levels of CD symptoms showed more improvements in planning/organising skills when they played the game intervention as compared to the total group of participants. No effects of age, IQ, medication use, game experience and ADHD diagnosis were found on the examined outcome measures.