2 75 REVIEW OF APPLIED & CASUAL GAMES FOR MENTAL HEALTH Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Dovis et al. 2015 The Netherlands Children with ADHD – combined type 89 79.8 10.47 (1.33) 8-12 years 1. Full-active condition of Braingame Brian (BGB); training visuospatial working memory, inhibition, cognitive flexibility (applied game). 2. Partially-active condition of BGB; training inhibition, cognitive flexibility. 3. Full-placebo condition of BGB; training tasks were in placebo-mode (active condition). All conditions consisted of 25 training sessions of 35-50 minutes, over a 5-week period, including an external reward system (receiving game-related stickers, reward ribbons and medals for completing sessions) and weekly coaching calls to monitor progress, motivation and compliance, and to solve technical and game-related problems. Pre, post and 3-months FU. Inhibition, interference control, visuospatial shortterm/working memory, verbal short-term/working memory, cognitive flexibility, non-verbal reasoning ability, inattention, ADHD symptoms, executive functioning, sensitivity to punishment and reward, general problem/disruptive behaviours, quality of life, impact of problem behaviour at home and in public situations; oppositional defiant disorder (covariate); compliance, improvement during training sessions. After training, only children in the full-active condition showed improvement on visuospatial short-term memory and working memory. Children in the full-active- and the partially-active conditions improved in inhibitory performance and interference control. Almost all measures showed main time-effects and no interactions with treatment-condition were found, suggesting that transfer to untrained executive functions was mostly nonspecific. GarcíaBaos et al. 2019 Spain Children diagnosed with ADHD 28 64.3 11.05 (2.54) 8-15 years 1. Play RECOGNeyes with eye-tracker, using eyes as game controller. 2. Play RECOGNeyes with a mouse. Both conditions: Three 30-minute sessions per week, for 3 weeks. Pre and post. Two attention assessments measuring several parameters to support the diagnosis of clinical ADHD (probability/severity of ADHD, hyperactivity/ impulsivity indexes, performance, gaze fixations) and reading difficulties (performance, dyslexia index, gaze fixations); comorbidity with dyslexia and age (moderators); usability and enjoyability. Participants from the eye-tracker group improved in impulsivity, reaction time, and fixation gaze control. No changes were found in the mouse-control group.