76 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Ji et al. 2023 Korea Children with mild to moderate ADHD 42*c 86.7 8.93 (1.52) 8-12 years 1. Exergaming (casual game). 2. Bicycle exercise group (active control). Both conditions: Three 50-minute sessions per week, for 4 weeks. Pre and post. Sustained attention, response control, and event-related potentials were measured during the Go/No-go task; three dimensions of attention were measured by means of a task: selective attention, self-control and sustained attention. Both groups showed increased selective attention, sustained attention and self-control after the intervention, as well as reduced response time on the Go/ No-go task. Larger N2 amplitudes were found for the exergaming group compared to the bicycle exercise group. Kollins et al. 2020 USA Children with ADHD and cognitive deficits in the attention domain 348 71.3 9.65 (1.30) 8-12 years 1. AKL-T01. 2. Digital word game. During the intervention period, participants were instructed to use AKL-T01 for 5 sessions a day (total time on task about 25 minutes), 5 days per week, for 4 weeks or the control for 25 minutes per day, 5 days per week, for 4 weeks. Pre and post. Attention, inhibitory control, functional impairment, ADHD symptoms, overall improvement, executive functioning; site, baseline attention, age, sex, and stimulant medication (moderators); safety, tolerability (i.e., adverse events), compliance, experience, satisfaction, perceived benefits. Performance on the main attention measure, as well as additional attention-related measures (i.e., reaction time and response variability) and parent-reported attention significantly improved in the AKL-T01 group compared to the control group. ADHD symptoms and functional impairment significantly improved, similarly in both groups.