78 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Qian et al. 2018 Singapore Children with ADHD, either combined or inattentive subtypes 66*d 100 9.17 (1.42) 6-12 years 1. Brain-computer-interface-based attention intervention (applied game). 2. Non-intervention group (passive condition). 1. Three 30-minute BCI-based training sessions per week, for 8 weeks. Pre and post. Inattention, internalising problems, brain functional connectivity, brain network topology; age, scanner type (covariates). Compared to the control group, the intervention group showed greater reduction of inattention symptoms accompanied with differential brain network reorganisations after training. Reduced local functional processing in the intervention group was associated with less inattentive and internalising problems. Rodrigo-Yanguas et al. 2023 Spain Adolescents and young adults with ADHD 104 68.3 14.38 (2.26) 12-22 years 1. The Secret Trail of Moon (TSTM), VR chess-based game (applied game). 2. Electronic therapeutic chess (TS; active condition). 3. Control group (passive condition). 1. Twelve weekly 25-minute sessions. 2. Twelve weekly 40-minute sessions. 3. The control group participants were called by phone every week, but received no intervention. Pre and post. Executive functioning questionnaire, ADHD and executive functions questionnaire, emotional intelligence, ADHD rating scales, performance task measuring aspects of attention and executive functioning, side effects (TSTM group only). The TSTM group showed improvements in measures of emotional regulation, inattention, and school context. The TC group showed improvements in measures of emotional control, emotional regulation, and inattention. The TSTM and TC groups did not improve executive function symptoms, but they improved in ADHD symptomatology related to emotional regulation.