Aniek Wols

80 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Steiner et al. 2011 USA Children with ADHD 41 52.2 12.4 (0.90) NA 1. Neurofeedback (EEG) training (NF) while playing a simple computer game (applied game). 2. Cognitive retraining in a standard computer format (SCF), exercises from the BrainTrain software (active condition). 3. Waitlist control (passive condition). 1-2. Two 45-minute sessions per week, for 4 months. 3. After the final post-intervention assessment, children in the waitlist control group were invited to complete a course of NF or SCF. Pre and post. Hyperactivity, (in)attention, ADHD index, executive functioning, response control functioning, attention****; satisfaction, observed behaviour during intervention. Parents of children in the NF condition reported improvements in hyperactivity, (in)attention and ADHD index. Parents of children in the SCF condition reported improvements in (in) attention, ADHD index, and executive functioning. Teachers and students did not consistently report significant change in ADHD symptoms. Tullo et al. 2018 Canada Children and adolescents diagnosed with neuro-develop-mental conditions that are characterised by attentional difficulties***** 129 71.3 13.23 (2.11) 6-18 years 1. 3D Multiple Object-Tracker paradigm, NeuroTracker (active condition). 2. The ‘2048’ game, a visual strategy, math-based puzzle game (casual game). 3. Treatment as usual.****** 1-2. Fifteen 7-minute training sessions over a five-week period. Pre and post. Attention; diagnosis, IQ and age (moderators); progression (i.e., average score) per session. Only participants in the NeuroTracker group significantly improved in attention. Attention performance did not improve in the other two groups.