84 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Beaumont & Sofronoff, 2008** Australia Children with Asperger syndrome 49 89.8 9.72 (1.22) 7-11 years 1. Junior Detective Training Program (JDTP)/ Secret Agent Society (SAS) Program, consisting of the JD computer game (applied game), small group therapy sessions, parent training sessions and teacher handouts. 2. Waitlist control (passive condition). 1. Eight sessions within a 7-week period. 2. Once the treatment group completed the intervention, the program was offered to the waitlist group. Pre, post, 6-weeks and 5-months FU. Social competence, social skills, emotion recognition, anxiety and anger management strategies. Compared to the waitlist group, participants in the treatment group showed greater improvements in social competence and social skills, and were better able to suggest appropriate emotion management strategies at post-test. Parent-rated social competence and social skills were maintained at the FU’s. Emotion recognition improved in both groups over the course of the program.