Aniek Wols

2 89 REVIEW OF APPLIED & CASUAL GAMES FOR MENTAL HEALTH Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Kirst et al. 2022 Germany and Austria Children with autism spectrum disorder 82 84.1 7.86 (1.47) 5-10 years 1. parent-assisted serious game Zirkus Empathico. 2. parent-assisted computerised training using games targeting non-social skills/knowledge. 1. Six weeks, with a minimum intensity of 100 minutes of training per week, to be done in a minimum of two single training sessions. Modules II/III were complemented with an additional of 40 minutes per week. Module V was required to be used for a minimum of 10 minutes per day. 2. Six weeks, with 100 minutes per week in the context of a minimum of two session per week, complemented with 10 minutes per day for transfer exercises. Pre, post and 3-months FU. Empathy, emotion recognition accuracy, emotional awareness, emotion regulation, callous-unemotional traits, general autism symptomatology, well-being, treatment goal achievement, treatment satisfaction (motivation and enjoyment) Intervention effects were observed at posttest for empathy and emotion recognition. Moderate effects were found on emotional awareness, emotion regulation, and autism social symptomatology. Parents reported treatment goal attainment and positive training transfer.