Aniek Wols

90 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Milajerdi et al. 2021 Iran Children with autism spectrum disorder 60 95.0 8.18 (1.50) 6-10 years 1. SPARK. 2. Kinect, tennis game. 3. Control group. 1-2. Children participated in a 14-hour intervention (35 min. p/session; 3 sessions p/week), over a period of 8 weeks. Typically, each session was conducted individually. On a few occasions, two children participated at the same time. 3. Participants received treatment as usual and did not participate in any structured physical activity program during the study period. Pre and post. Fine and gross motor skills, executive functions (concept formation, set shifting, mental flexibility). The SPARK group significantly improved in aiming and catching skills compared to the other two groups. For executive functions, the Kinect group showed more correct responses than the other two groups. Conceptual responses and perseverative errors improved in all groups.