96 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review McCashin et al. 2022 Ireland Children with clinically significant levels of internalising problems (low mood and anxiety) 122 58.2 9.94 (1.26) 8-12 years 1. Pesky gNATs technology-assisted CBT intervention (applied game). 2. Waitlist control group (passive condition). 1. One orientation/assessment session and seven 45-minute levels, one per week. The game was played alongside the therapist in a collaborative fashion. Pre, post and 3-months FU. Internalising symptoms, externalising problems, total problem score, with subscales: depressive problems, anxiety problems, somatic problems, attention deficit problems, oppositional defiant problems, conduct problems; within-game outcomes (game group only): well-being, therapeutic alliance, anxiety and depression, helpfulness and experiences of the game. Both intervention and waitlist control groups experienced significantly positive change across all timepoints. No between-group differences were found on primary or secondary outcomes. Reliable clinical indices showed that at post-test more participants from the intervention group went from clinical to non-clinical levels of internalising problems compared to the waitlist control group. Children and parents reported high levels of acceptability, helpfulness and positive change. Scholten et al. 2016 The Netherlands Adolescents with subclinical levels of anxiety 138 34.6 13.27 (0.88) 11-15 years 1. Dojo (applied game). 2. Rayman 2: The great escape (casual game). Both conditions: two one-hour gameplay sessions per week, for 3 weeks. Pre, post, and 3-months FU. Total and personalised anxiety symptoms; age and gender (moderators); game expectations. Equal significant improvements in anxiety symptoms in both conditions at FU.