Aniek Wols

98 Chapter 2 Paper Country Target group N % male Age, mean (SD) Age range Intervention arms Intervention characteristics Assessments Variables measured Findings relevant for current review Schuurmans et al. 2018 The Netherlands Youth with clinically elevated levels of both anxiety and externalising problems 41*b 83.8 14.00 (1.88) NA 1. Dojo (applied game) + TAU. 2. TAU (active condition). 1. Eight 30minute gameplay sessions, twice a week for four weeks. 2. Treatment as recommended by participants’ clinicians. Pre, post, and 4-months FU. Anxiety symptoms, externalising problems; intellectual disability (moderator); user evaluation. Youths who played Dojo, compared with youths in the control condition, showed reductions in self-reported anxiety and externalising problems at post-test, and mentor-reported anxiety at both post-test and FU. Schuurmans et al. 2020 The Nethelands Youth with clinical levels of post-traumatic symptoms 15 60.0 14.46 (2.40) 10-18 years 1. Muse. 2. DayDream. 3. Wild Divine. All three interventions make use of game-based meditation-based relaxation techniques and either neurofeedback or biofeedback. All conditions consisted of twelve 15-minute gameplay sessions (twice a week, for six consecutive weeks). Pre, during each intervention session (physiology only), post, and 1-month FU. Autonomic nervous system parameters, respiratory sinus arrhythmia parameters, user evaluations, post-traumatic symptoms, depression, anxiety, stress, aggression. Physiological stress regulation was improved during the meditation sessions of all three interventions. Participants in the Muse condition showed reliable improvements in post-traumatic symptoms, stress and anxiety. Inconsistent progression was found for participants who play DayDream or Wild Divine. Overall, improvements in experienced stress were most robust across all conditions. Schuurmans, Nijhof, Popma et al. 2021 The Nethelands Adolescents with clinical levels of post-traumatic symptoms 77 59.7 15.12 (2.29) 10-18 years 1. Muse, gamebased and neurofeedback meditation intervention in addition to TAU (applied game). 2. Treatment as usual (active condition). 1. Two individual 15-20 minutes gameplay sessions a week, for 6 consecutive weeks. 2. TAU consisted of evidence-based treatments that did not specifically target post-traumatic symptoms. Pre, post and 2-months FU. Post-traumatic symptoms, stress, anxiety, depression, aggression, intrinsic motivation; age, gender, IQ, type of residential care, medication use, concomitant therapy (covariates), gender (moderator). Significantly greater improvements at posttest for post-traumatic symptoms, stress, anxiety, depression and aggression were found in the Muse group compared to the control group. No differences between the groups were found at FU.