Aniek Wols

Chapter 1 General introduction 9
Chapter 2 Effectiveness of applied and casual games for young people’s mental health: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials 29
Chapter 3 In-game play behaviours during an applied video game for anxiety prevention predict successful intervention outcomes 171
Chapter 4 Mental health outcomes of an applied game for children with elevated anxiety symptoms: A randomised controlled non inferiority trial 197
Chapter 5 The effect of expectations on experiences and engagement with an applied game for mental health 233
Chapter 6 Explicit mental health messaging promotes serious video game selection in youth with elevated mental health symptoms 259
Chapter 7 The role of motivation to change and mindsets in a game promoted for mental health 297
Chapter 8 General discussion 325
Appendices 345
References 346
Dutch summary (Nederlandse samenvatting) 404
Research data management statement 410
Acknowledgements (Dankwoord) 414
Publication list 420
About the author 422