Bernadette Lensen

106 Chapter 6 created moments of rest more often. They also noticed that these behavioural changes had a positive effect on the pupils. Effects on teachers personally The first theme was divided into six subthemes: Increased awareness in general, more insight in patterns, decentring/disidentifcation of negative thoughts, behavioural changes, increased self-compassion and finally personal consequences. Increased awareness in general was mentioned by most teachers in relation to their own thoughts, bodily sensations and emotions, but also in relation to the environment. With regard to insight in patterns, the realization that there is always a choice in how to react was mentioned often. In addition, teachers indicated that both the insight into unhelpful patterns and into the role of judgments in thinking and acting had increased. To be aware of the difference between an automatic stress reaction versus a more conscious stress response was also regularly mentioned as helpful. A few respondents indicated to have experienced that awareness of the circle of influence appeared to determine the degree of perceived stress. For example, they noticed more awareness of situations in which they could have some influence or in which acceptance of the situation would be more appropriate. Decentring/disidentification of negative thoughts enabled teachers to step back from thoughts, putting them more into perspective. They could observe their thoughts without identifying with them, non-judgmentally and with acceptance. Teachers indicated that this also made it easier to put things into perspective. With regard to behavioural changes, teachers indicated that they created moments of rest more often, improved their planning and organization by setting different priorities and were also better able to recognize their limits. The underlying attitude of teachers was often characterized by an increase in selfcompassion. For example, more self-care, self-acceptance and a more positive selfimage were experienced. A few indicated that comparing less with others and relying more on oneself was also helpful. The subtheme personal consequences for the teacher was further subdivided into four sub-themes: less psychological distress, fewer physical complaints, improved work-life balance and more appreciation and joy. For a large number of teachers there was less psychological distress. They mentioned in particular that they worried less and were better able to manage their perceived stress. The vast majority of teachers experienced more peace, both in the body and in the mind. As for fewer physical complaints, a number of teachers indicated that the quality of sleep had improved and that pain symptoms had decreased. In addition, the work-life balance had improved for the majority. And lastly, more appreciation and joy was characterized by the fact that teachers reported that they took much more time to observe and consciously enjoy something. Several teachers also indicated that they felt more positive and happier.