Bernadette Lensen

114 Chapter 6 Table 4. Citations per (Sub)Theme Citation Effects on teachers personally Increased awareness in general What I really enjoy, is that I can now notice these kinds of things; that I’m aware of them. “Hey! This is what I’m thinking right now. Is this what I want? No, it isn’t. OK, take a few deep breaths, look at the sun shining, watch the children play, relax your face, because you’re frowning, take a sip of tea, and shift your perspective for a moment.”(M1-p1) More insight in patterns That I’m able to see my thoughts as thoughts, and not as facts. As a result, I’m less judgmental, but not yet as judgment-free as I’d like to be. (M2-p1) Decentring /disidentification of negative thoughts When something happens in class, I like to take a step back, to literally distance myself a little from the situation. This helps me to think and calm down, and to respond better. (M2-p5) Behavioural changes And I really notice the difference in myself, in whether I think I have to do it all in one day, because as soon as I think that, I start to feel rushed. Whereas if I think: “I’ll do what I can and I may not manage to do it all, but what I do, I will do well,” that gives me so much peace, and I can really see that it also has a positive effect on the children. (F3-p3) Increased self-compassion One example is that I’m more likely, also with colleagues, to explain what I mean or what is happening to me, that I don’t have to set such high expectations for myself, having to do it all on my own and making sure everything goes well. That it’s OK to say: “Hey, I’m struggling here.” (F3-p1) Personal consequences Less psychological distress Before, whenever I found a situation difficult, I would really blame myself. Whereas now, I’m far more able to leave it with the other person. I can much more consciously think: “Well, yes, but this is not mine, it’s theirs; it’s their thing, and I’m just communicating my needs or my boundaries, and I remained polite and kind,” for example in a parent-teacher discussion. (F2-p2) Personal consequences Fewer physical complaints But if I can’t sleep in bed at night, I’ve kind of devised my own variation of the body scan, and it helps. (F2p5)