Bernadette Lensen

115 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Elementary School Teachers: A Qualitative study Table 4. Citations per (Sub)Theme (continued) Citation Personal consequences Improved work-life balance What I also notice is a better work-life balance. Before, I used to also work in weekends. Now, I’ve said clearly that I don’t mind doing something on a weeknight, but in weekends, I really want to let go, enjoy my weekend, and do nice things. (F1-p1) Personal consequences More appreciation and joy I feel much more positive and cheerful, and I start the day feeling happier. (F2- p8) Effects on teachers professionally More awareness during teaching The fact that I take short moments to pause, and look at the children better. But also in my chats with them. More attention for the child and the communication. (F1-p1) More positive and understanding attitude towards pupils The first thing that I notice is that yes, I’m actually more positive with the children. Meaning that I spend more time telling them what they did well, and being really specific about it. So, not: “Wow, that’s pretty!”, but “Look how well you did the cutting!” As a result, they also give each other better compliments, and it just really helps with the positivity in the group. (F2-p4) Increased emotion regulation But also in situations in the classroom, when there is a lot happening, and my emotions start to run away with me, that’s when I do a few breathing exercises. It helps me to calm down. I think it’s also better for the children. (M2-p9) More adaptive behaviour towards pupils I wait and see more, and I try to let the children solve things for themselves, or ask them questions so that they can find their own solutions. I’m more laid-back. (F2- p3) Offering mindfulness-based interventions to pupils The children were very tense. So, I asked them to stand behind their chair and close their eyes. I had opened all the windows. I invited them to listen to what they could hear outside. My school is in a park, so you can hear birds and trees rustling. Then I did a few more exercises. Afterwards I said: “Now we can do the test.” And the children themselves said: “Oh wow, this is actually a really nice way to start, Miss!” And they felt they could focus better, so in this way, it’s also having a domino effect. (F1-P6) 6