Bernadette Lensen

116 Chapter 6 Table 4. Citations per (Sub)Theme (continued) Citation Effects on pupils as observed by the teachers Increased concentration Calmly sorting through things with the pupils also gave them clarity. They had to choose what they wanted to keep in their work folder, which meant they had to choose work they were proud of. The children were more focused, they were really joining in and helping each other. (F1-p1) More self-insight So we now have this form , with ‘event’, ‘thought’, ‘feeling’, ‘behaviour’, and ‘consequence’. And we fill it in, together with the children, about whatever it is that has happened. … I noticed that this leads to a better dialogue. (F3-p5) More expressing and naming of emotions And I really notice, in the conversations children have with each other, that they’re also starting to name emotions, or asking each other: “What is it that you need then?”. I notice that especially naming emotions, acting on this information, processing your own emotions, and responding from that place, that is something that is really growing. (F2- P4) More prosocial behaviour towards classmates I’ve noticed that I’m now much more focused on checking whether they’re relaxed and how they feel. And we talk about it with each other, and maybe one child tells another that they don’t need to be nervous. It looks as if they’re using it in their interactions with each other. It’s great to see. (F1-p6) Increased classroom climate I think that the children in my class are happier now that I feel happier too. We have a lot more fun together, we laugh every day, we make jokes; we also know that we have some serious work to do, but we are there for each other, so the atmosphere is… I think the atmosphere is just good, and I think that this is mostly due to the fact that I feel more comfortable being myself. (F2-p8)