Bernadette Lensen

42 Chapter 3 so advises. This psychologist collaborates with the overarching school organization/ foundation to which most of the participating schools and therefore teachers in this study belong. If recruited participants do not attend the MBSR course, they will be contacted by the MBSR teacher. If they decide to discontinue, they will be given suggestions on how to obtain mental health support if needed. Lastly, if participants have questions about the study or the planning, they can always contact one of the researchers whose contact details are listed in the consent letter. These details also include the contact details of an independent supervisor at the Radboud University who can be contacted in case of complaints. Randomisation Randomisation will be performed after completion of the informed consent forms. It will be computerised and independently carried out by a team member (SS) using a blocked randomization scheme combined with minimisation (block size 4) and stratified by: a) gender (male versus female) and b) school weight. Block randomisation always wins over minimization. During the first year of the study, the school weight will be determined on the basis of the educational level of the parents / caregivers of the pupils. The educational level will be divided into three categories: Category 1, parents / caregivers who have no education or only received primary education or low level practical/pre-vocational education. Category 2, parents / caregivers who have received no more than two years of secondary vocational education (of a higher level mentioned at category 1). Category 3: parents / caregivers who have more than two classes of vocational education. During the second and third year of the study, the weighting formula will also take into account the average level of education of all mothers at the school of the child, the origin of the parents, the mother’s length of stay in the Netherlands, the intelligence score of the child, and whether the parents are in debt restructuring (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO), the implementation organization of the National Government for Education (Statistics Netherlands, 2019)). Intervention The intervention will consist of the MBSR training developed by Kabat-Zinn (Full catastrophe living, 2013) which consists of 8 weekly group (6-15 persons) sessions with a duration of 120 min each. In the 6th week, an additional session of practice in silence with a duration of 6 hours will be included. The intervention consists of three primary components: (1) formal and informal meditation exercises, such as sitting meditation and yoga; (2) dialogue and (3) psychoeducation about stress and stress responses. A folder will be provided with information about each week’s session. Participants will be asked to practice daily for at least 35 min.