178 Appendix 4A – Associations between Delphi study and attitude profiles study Findings from study 1 (Delphi study) Findings from Study 2 (Attitude profiles study) Associations between study 1 and study 2 Development Knowledge of professionals (refers to the fact that professionals have insufficient knowledge of people with a low SEP) (-) Encumbered Disadvantaged Hesitating Encumbered: Having a difficult life situation, therefore, thinking about investments for future health has limited priority. Disadvantaged: Finding written materials too difficult to understand Hesitating: Having limited digital skills and experiencing difficulties in adopting eHealth. Social environment (refers to the involvement of the social environment of people with a low SEP in the development of eHealth interventions) (+) Indifferent Hesitating Indifferent: Has no need for technology but becomes motivated when social networks themselves are enthusiastic about eHealth. Hesitating: Typically involves people from the social environment with more knowledge and skills to assist in using eHealth. Rewards (refer to rewarding the participants for their thoughts on eHealth interventions) (+) Indifferent Encumbered Indifferent: Is not open to nor interested in the development of eHealth. Encumbered: Becomes motivated by eHealth that relieves burdens or is seamlessly integrated into daily life. Reach Communication (refers to the verbal and written communication level that does not match with people with a low SEP and is therefore unable to reach them) (-) Disadvantaged Written materials are too difficult to understand Lack of resources (refers to lack of time and financial resources to reach the target group) (-) Detached Has the lack of trust toward healthcare professionals and researchers. Engagement (refers to current eHealth interventions that do not sufficiently motivate or stimulate the user) (-) Eager Becomes motivated by self-monitoring and feedback Everyday life (refers to eHealth interventions that do not align with the everyday lives of people with a low SEP) (-) Encumbered Has a difficult life situation and, therefore, thinking about investments for future health has limited priority Modes of delivery (refers to materials and technology that do not fit the skill levels of people with a low SEP) (-) Disadvantaged Encumbered Disadvantaged: Values a healthcare provider that understands communication barriers, listens well, and can explain things clearly. Encumbered: Values a healthcare provider who understands and considers their life situation.