Yara Blok

124 Chapter 8 emphasizing the importance of comprehensive preoperative counseling with extra attention concerning the impact of complications. Furthermore, a less extensive mastectomy technique was assessed with PF preservation, with promising outcomes. Preserving the PF leads to a more logical anatomical dissection plane in mastectomies and it might have several advantages. Furthermore, it appears to be an oncologically safe procedure based on the most recent research, particularly if the tumor is situated at a safe distance from the PF. Still, future studies are necessary reporting on all outcomes to implement this technique in general practices. In patients opting for prophylactic mastectomies, PF preservation could already be considered as soon as the PROFAS study will show the advantages of PF preservation. The last part focused on implant loss after IBR, and a validated risk prediction model on implant loss was developed. This prediction model, based on the risk factors BMI, active smoking status, previous radiotherapy and prepectoral placement, will be of great value for preoperative patient counseling and for a better patient selection to reduce implant loss rates.