Anna Marzá Florensa

109 Hypertension awareness, treatment, and control in hypertensive CHD patients 5 Total (N=6547) Awareb (N =3223) Not aware (N=2155) p Treated (N = 5966) Not treated (N = 581 p Controlleda (N=3038 Not controlled (p=3509) p Smoking status Current 1031 (15.7) 497 (15.4) 341 (15.8) <0.001 102 (17.6) 929 (15.6) 0.034 544 (17.9) 487 (13.9) <0.001 Former 3122 (47.7) 1503 (46.6) 1110 (51.5) 295 (50.8) 2827 (47.4) 1437 (47.3) 1685 (48.0) Never 2394 (36.6) 1223 (37.9) 704 (32.7) 184 (31.7) 2210 (37.0) 1057 (34.8) 1337 (38.1) Physical activity <30min 5 times/week 3925 (66.7) 1837 (64.1) 1404 (69.8) <0.001 336 (64.2) 3589 (67.0) 0.225 1812 (65.9) 2113 (67.5) 0.211 BMI Categoryc Normal weight 1023 (15.8) 454 (14.1) 364 (17.1) 0.003 99 (17.1) 924 (15.6) 0.101 548 (18.2) 475 (13.7) <0.001 Overweight 2789 (43.0) 1371 (42.7) 926 (43.4) 266 (45.9) 2523 (42.7) 1307 (43.5) 1482 (42.6) Obesity 2675 (41.2) 1386 (43.2) 843 (39.5) 215 (37.1) 2460 (41.6) 1153 (38.3) 1522 (43.7) Mean LDL level (mmol/L) (SD) 2.42 (1.00) 2.46 (0.997) 2.33 (0.979) <0.001 2.64 (1.13) 2.40 (0.986) <0.001 2.33 (0.939) 2.51 (1.05) <0.001 LDL level (mmol/L) ≥1.8mmol/l 4294 (71.6) 2159 (73.6) 1364 (68.5) <0.001 407 (74.5) 3887 (71.3) 0.117 1934 (69.0) 2360 (73.8) <0.001 Diabetic 2949 (45.0) 1443 (44.8) 980 (45.5) 0.631 259 (44.6) 2690 (45.1) 0.847 1232 (40.6) 1717 (48.9) <0.001 Mean systolic BP (mmHg) (SD) 138 (18.6) 138 (18.9) 139 (17.9) 0.008 147 (14.6) 137 (18.7) <0.001 124 (10.2) 151 (15.2) <0.001 NJote: a Hypertension control is defined as BP <140/90mmHg (140/85mmHg in diabetic patients) during the interview. b Patients are considered aware if they report all three of the following: (1) being told by a health professional they had hypertension, (2) being aware of their BP target, and (3) being aware of their latest BP measurement result.c BMI was classified as normal weight (<25kg/m2), overweight (25-29 kg/m2) and obesity (≥30kg/m2).