Anna Marzá Florensa

110 Chapter 5 Total (N=6547) Awareb (N =3223) Not aware (N=2155) p Treated (N = 5966) Not treated (N = 581 p Controlleda (N=3038 Not controlled (p=3509) p Mean diastolic BP (mmHg) (SD) 82.3 (11.1) 82.3 (11.4) 82.4 (10.8) 0.927 87.8 (9.85) 81.8 (11.1) <0.001 75.5 (7.65) 88.2 (10.2) <0.001 Adherent to medication 5614 (85.7) 2899 (89.9) 1747 (81.1) 0.003 298 (51.3) 5316 (89.1) <0.001 2716 (89.4) 2898 (82.6) <0.001 Undertook lifestyle changes 3493 (53.8) 1847 (57.4) 997 (46.5) <0.001 268 (47.1) 3225 (54.5) <0.001 1696 (56.1) 1797 (51.8) <0.001 NJote: a Hypertension control is defined as BP <140/90mmHg (140/85mmHg in diabetic patients) during the interview. b Patients are considered aware if they report all three of the following: (1) being told by a health professional they had hypertension, (2) being aware of their BP target, and (3) being aware of their latest BP measurement result.c BMI was classified as normal weight (<25kg/m2), overweight (25-29 kg/m2) and obesity (≥30kg/m2). Table 2. Characteristics of the EUROASPIRE V study population by hypertension awareness, treatment and control, in number of patients (%), unless indicated.