Anna Marzá Florensa

128 Chapter 5 Supplementary Table 3. Demographics, risk factor and blood pressure-related variables by country (middle-income countries), EUROASPIRE V . Bosnia and Herzegovina (N=170) Bulgaria (N=334) Egypt (N=177) Kazakhstan (N=357) Demographics Sex Male 125 (73.5) 236 (70.7) 112 (63.3) 233 (65.3) Female 45 (26.5) 98 (29.3) 65 (36.7) 124 (34.7) Mean age (SD) 59.1 (8.86) 64.0 (9.82) 59.0 (9.62) 63.1 (9.05) Education Primary or lower 18 (10.6) 22 (6.6) 90 (50.8) 14 (4.0) Secondary 106 (62.4) 153 (45.9) 18 (10.2) 129 (36.5) Tertiary 46 (27.1) 158 (47.4) 69 (39.0) 210 (59.5) Cardiovascular health and risk factors CHD diagnostic category CABG 1 (0.6) 3 (0.9) 4 (2.3) 50 (14.0) PTCA 22 (12.9) 130 (38.9) 80 (45.2) 120 (33.6) STEMI 103 (60.6) 84 (25.1) 32 (18.1) 53 (14.8) NSTEMI 20 (11.8) 18 (5.4) 17 (9.6) 50 (14.0) UA/AMI 24 (14.1) 99 (29.6) 44 (24.9) 84 (23.5) Smoking status Smoking status Current 34 (20.0) 96 (28.7) 36 (20.3) 84 (23.5) Former 79 (46.5) 138 (41.3) 45 (25.4) 105 (29.4) Never 57 (33.5) 100 (29.9) 96 (54.2) 168 (47.1) Physical activity <30 minutes 5 times per week 61 (46.9) 193 (62.5) 143 (86.7) 99 (56.3) ≥30 minutes 5 times per week 69 (53.1) 116 (37.5) 22 (13.3) 77 (43.8) BMI Category BMI Category Normal weight 36 (21.2) 36 (10.8) 32 (18.3) 49 (13.8) Overweight 95 (55.9) 137 (41.0) 82 (46.9) 150 (42.3) Obesity 39 (22.9) 161 (48.2) 61 (34.9) 156 (43.9) Mean LDL level (mmol/L) (SD) 2.58 (0.987) 2.44 (0.845) 2.54 (1.08) 3.27 (1.12) LDL level LDL <1.8mmol/L 25 (21.6) 62 (20.8) 44 (27.2) 37 (11.1) LDL ≥1.8mmol/L 91 (78.4) 236 (79.2) 118 (72.8) 297 (88.9) Diabetes Not diabetic 101 (59.4) 165 (49.4) 70 (39.5) 222 (62.2) Diabetic 69 (40.6) 169 (50.6) 107 (60.5) 135 (37.8) Hypertension related variables Hypertension control Controlled 79 (46.5) 173 (51.8) 87 (49.2) 131 (36.7) Not controlled 91 (53.5) 161 (48.2) 90 (50.8) 226 (63.3) Mean systolic BP (mmHg) 136 (15.4) 135 (18.0) 136 (13.9) 140 (19.7) Mean systolic BP (mmHg) (SD) 84.8 (8.59) 82.0 (11.7) 84.2 (9.83) 87.5 (11.7)