Anna Marzá Florensa

143 Cardiovascular risk factors by educational level in CHD patients: SURF CHD II 6 Risk factor recording Risk factor recording was highest for smoking (95.6%) and blood pressure (92.8%), and lowest for waist circumference (22.2%). Other risk factors were recorded with variable frequency between 53.0% (HDL cholesterol) to 78.5% (LDL cholesterol) (Figure 1). Target attainment More than three quarters (78.7%) of the study population met the target for smoking, as these either had never smoked or had quit smoking, and half (54.8%) was moderately or highly physically active. The risk factor measurement targets were met by 27.0% of the patients for BMI, 15.9% for waist circumference, and 54.3% for blood pressure. Regarding laboratory values, 40.8% had LDL levels <1.8 mmol/L, 20.8% LDL <1.4 mmol/L, 31.5% nonHDL-cholesterol <2.2 mmol/L, 65.0% triglycerides <1.7mmol/L, and 40.5% of diabetic patients had Hba1c <7% (Figure 1). In general, patients with a higher educational level were more likely to meet risk factor targets, though the associations between educational level and target attainment varied (LMIC N=2645) UMIC (N=3777) HIC (N=7462) (Total N=13884) Risk factor history Hypertension 1359 (51.4) 3109 (82.3) 3162 (65.7) 7630 (67.9) Dyslipidemia 1234 (46.7) 1974 (52.3) 3163 (67.5) 6371 (57.4) Diabetes 1129 (29.2) 1136 (42.9) 1294 (34.3) 3559 (34.6) Smoking Current 423 (16.3) 861 (23.7) 1541 (21.9) 2825 (21.3) Former 442 (17.0) 1112 (30.6) 3129 (44.4) 4683 (35.3) Never 1736 (66.7) 1661 (45.7) 2373 (33.7) 5770 (43.5) Physical activity < 30 minutes 3-5 times/week 979 (38.0) 1690 (52.9) 1640 (43.6) 4309 (45.2) Moderate 1259 (48.8) 1037 (32.5) 1451 (38.5) 3747 (39.3) Physical activity > 30 minutes 3-5 times/week 340 (13.2) 465 (14.6) 673 (17.9) 1478 (15.5) Risk factor levels (mean (SD)) Systolic BP (mmHg) mean (SD) 128 (20.2) 134 (20.3) 132 (17.7) 132 (19.0) Diastolic BP (mmHg) mean (SD) 75.8 (11.3) 80.7 (11.4) 77.2 (10.6) 77.9 (11.1) Heart rate (bpm) mean (SD) 77.8 (13.6) 73.7 (12.9) 68.9 (12.2) 73.1 (13.3) BMI (kg/m2) mean (SD) 26.5 (4.5) 28.7 (4.9) 28.2 (5.0) 28.0 (4.9) Waist circumference (cm) mean (SD) 90.5 (15.4) 99.2 (12.7) 103 (13.1) 100 (13.7) Total cholesterol (mmol/l) mean (SD) 3.86 (1.2) 4.70 (1.4) 3.98 (1.40) 4.19 (1.4) LDL cholesterol (mmol/l) mean (SD) 2.15 (1.1) 2.79 (1.2) 2.06 (1.0) 2.24 (1.1) HDL cholesterol (mmol/l) mean (SD) 1.11 (0.4) 1.19 (0.4) 1.22 (0.4) 1.18 (0.4) Tryglicerides (mmol/l) mean (SD) 3.74 (1.9) 2.44 (2.0) 2.76 (1.9) 2.92 (2.0) Fasting glucose (mmol/l) mean (SD) 7.63 (3.5) 6.78 (2.8) 6.44 (2.2) 6.88 (2.9) HbA1C (%) 7.97 (1.7) 7.74 (1.7) 8.94 (11.1) 8.23 (6.5) Footnote: Results are indicated in number of participants (%) unless indicated. HICs: high-income counties, UMICs: upper-middle-income countries, LMICs: lower-middle income countries, CABG: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft, PCI: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, CVD: cardiovascular disease.