Anna Marzá Florensa

18 Chapter 2 in SciELO, 729 in Cochrane and 651 in PubMed. After removing 1606 duplicates, 5782 publications were screened on their title and abstract. 4405 publications did not fulfil the inclusion criteria and were excluded, resulting in 1377 publications eligible for full-text screening. 1218 articles were excluded during full-text screening (Figure 1). Of the remaining 159 publications, 86 did not reach the quality threshold during the quality assessment, and therefore 73 publications were finally included in the review. Study characteristics Table 1 describes the main characteristics of the included studies. All articles included were published between 2000 and 2020, referring to studies conducted between 1993 and 2017. Most studies were conducted in Brazil (3,21–58). Six studies were conducted in Argentina (59–64), four in Chile (65–68), four in Colombia (69–72), three in Uruguay (73–75) and two were multi-country studies conducted in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia (12) and Brazil and Suriname (76). The most common language of the articles was English (58 articles), followed by Spanish (11 articles) and Portuguese (4 articles). In terms of study design, most publications reported on cohort studies (23 articles), crosssectional studies (20 publications), and baseline data of randomized clinical trials (17 articles). The number of participants included in each study ranged from 20 to 2475, with a mean of 328 (SD 424). Most studies were conducted in urban areas (39 studies). Regarding the clinical setting, the majority of studies were conducted in academic or tertiary hospitals (42 articles), six in rehabilitation centres, three in primary care or community settings, two in secondary level hospitals, two in public hospitals, and 12 in other settings.